Monday 25 February 2013

Early Day Motion 703 - Tuesday March 5th

 Here's the wording for Early Day Motion 703 ...


"That this House notes theresolution of 1 November 2012 on the beer duty escalator welcoming the essential contribution of brewing and pubs to the UK's economy in providing one million jobs, noting the 42 per cent increase in beer duty since 2008 and HM Treasury forecasts that have shown that there will be no additional revenue generated from beer duty despite planned increases over the next two years, expressing concern about the effectiveness of this policy in tackling the Budget deficit, its impact on valued community pubs and the continued affordability of beer in pubs and urging the Government to support the UK's beer and pub sector by conducting a thorough review of the economic and social impact of the beer duty escalator to report back before the 2013 Budget."

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